The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
com.jgoodies | forms | 1.0.7 | jar |
com.jgoodies | looks | 2.0.4 | jar |
com.l2fprod.common | l2fprod-common-sheet | 7.3 | jar |
commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.3 | jar |
jfree | jfreechart | 1.0.0 | jar |
junit | junit | 4.4 | jar |
log4j | log4j | 1.2.12 | jar |
org.noos.xing | mydoggy-plaf | 1.4.2 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-beans | 2.5.1 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-context | 2.5.1 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-core | 2.5.1 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-binding | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-core | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-form | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-jdk5 | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-resources | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-sandbox | 1.0.0 | jar |
org.springframework.richclient | spring-richclient-support | 1.0.0 | jar |
xerces | xercesImpl | 2.8.1 | jar |
The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type |
aopalliance | aopalliance | 1.0 | jar |
com.l2fprod.common | l2fprod-common-shared | 6.9.1 | jar |
com.toedter | jcalendar | 1.2.2 | jar |
commons-collections | commons-collections | 3.1 | jar |
commons-logging | commons-logging | 1.1 | jar |
jfree | jcommon | 1.0.0 | jar |
net.sf.nachocalendar | nachocalendar | 0.21 | jar |
ognl | ognl | 2.6.9 | jar |
org.noos.xing | mydoggy-api | 1.4.2 | jar |
org.noos.xing | mydoggy-res | 1.4.2 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-binding | 1.0 | jar |
org.springframework | spring-web | 2.5.1 | jar |
tablelayout | TableLayout | 20050920 | jar |
xml-apis | xml-apis | 1.3.03 | jar | "Other" License: TableLayout
GPL: Mindcrime iLab xs:Analyzer
LGPL - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE: MyDoggy - My Java Docking Framework - API, MyDoggy - My Java Docking Framework - API Implementation, MyDoggy - My Java Docking Framework - Plaf Resources
Public Domain: AOP alliance
GNU Lesser General Public Licence: Unnamed - jfree:jcommon:jar:1.0.0, Unnamed - jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.0
Unknown: Unnamed - commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1, Unnamed - log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.12, Unnamed - net.sf.nachocalendar:nachocalendar:jar:0.21
BSD License: OGNL
Common Public License Version 1.0: JUnit
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Lang, Logging, Spring Binding, Spring Framework: Beans, Spring Framework: Context, Spring Framework: Core, Spring Framework: Web, Spring richclient binding, Spring richclient core, Spring richclient form, Spring richclient jdk5, Spring richclient resources, Spring richclient sandbox, Spring richclient support, Unnamed - xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.03, Xerces2 Java Parser, shared, sheet
The BSD License: JGoodies Forms, JGoodies Looks
Filename | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | JDK Rev | Debug |
aopalliance-1.0.jar | 4.36 kB | 15 | 9 | 2 | 1.3 | debug |
forms-1.0.7.jar | 84.79 kB | 66 | 56 | 5 | 1.4 | debug |
looks-2.0.4.jar | 363.08 kB | 298 | 247 | 5 | 1.4 | debug |
l2fprod-common-shared-6.9.1.jar | 93.49 kB | 105 | 71 | 16 | 1.1 | debug |
l2fprod-common-sheet-7.3.jar | 118.81 kB | 118 | 94 | 5 | 1.1 | debug |
jcalendar-1.2.2.jar | 109.72 kB | 71 | 33 | 3 | 1.2 | debug |
commons-collections-3.1.jar | 546.26 kB | 465 | 446 | 12 | 1.1 | debug |
commons-lang-2.3.jar | 239.53 kB | 140 | 124 | 9 | 1.1 | debug |
commons-logging-1.1.jar | 51.67 kB | 34 | 25 | 2 | 1.1 | debug |
jcommon-1.0.0.jar | 289.72 kB | 237 | 203 | 18 | 1.2 | debug |
jfreechart-1.0.0.jar | 1.02 MB | 553 | 481 | 33 | 1.2 | debug |
junit-4.4.jar | 157.69 kB | 188 | 154 | 20 | 1.5 | debug |
log4j-1.2.12.jar | 349.69 kB | 283 | 253 | 19 | 1.1 | debug |
nachocalendar-0.21.jar | 89.83 kB | 83 | 72 | 7 | 1.2 | debug |
ognl-2.6.9.jar | 164.02 kB | 121 | 113 | 1 | 1.1 | debug |
mydoggy-api-1.4.2.jar | 35.24 kB | 68 | 56 | 2 | 1.5 | debug |
mydoggy-plaf-1.4.2.jar | 716.86 kB | 510 | 468 | 22 | 1.5 | debug |
mydoggy-res-1.4.2.jar | 22.61 kB | 61 | 0 | 0 | - | release |
spring-beans-2.5.1.jar | 456.38 kB | 317 | 288 | 14 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-binding-1.0.jar | 81.53 kB | 92 | 78 | 9 | 1.3 | debug |
spring-context-2.5.1.jar | 444.49 kB | 393 | 331 | 48 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-core-2.5.1.jar | 268.63 kB | 226 | 202 | 19 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-web-2.5.1.jar | 177.31 kB | 147 | 126 | 13 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-richclient-binding-1.0.0.jar | 70.30 kB | 89 | 72 | 7 | 1.4 | debug |
spring-richclient-core-1.0.0.jar | 42.66 kB | 56 | 40 | 5 | 1.4 | debug |
spring-richclient-form-1.0.0.jar | 2.55 kB | 11 | 0 | 0 | - | release |
spring-richclient-jdk5-1.0.0.jar | 45.08 kB | 56 | 33 | 8 | 1.5 | debug |
spring-richclient-resources-1.0.0.jar | 346.33 kB | 501 | 0 | 0 | - | release |
spring-richclient-sandbox-1.0.0.jar | 232.46 kB | 218 | 169 | 31 | 1.4 | debug |
spring-richclient-support-1.0.0.jar | 973.08 kB | 869 | 795 | 51 | 1.4 | debug |
TableLayout-20050920.jar | 10.05 kB | 10 | 5 | 1 | 1.1 | release |
xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar | 1.16 MB | 950 | 882 | 38 | 1.1 | release |
xml-apis-1.3.03.jar | 190.55 kB | 342 | 302 | 25 | 1.1 | release |
Total | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | JDK Rev | Debug |
33 | 8.80 MB | 7,693 | 6,228 | 450 | 1.5 | 27 |
compile: 33 | compile: 8.80 MB | compile: 7,693 | compile: 6,228 | compile: 450 | - | compile: 27 |
Repo ID | URL | Release | Snapshot | Blacklisted |
springRichclientRepository | | Yes | - | - |
l2fprod-common-sheet | | Yes | Yes | - |
apache.snapshots | | - | Yes | - |
springRichclientSnapshotRepository | | Yes | Yes | - |
l2fprod-eviware | | Yes | Yes | - |
l2fprod-maven-repo | | Yes | Yes | Yes |
springRichClientRepository | | Yes | Yes | - |
jboss | | Yes | - | - |
central | | Yes | - | - |
ibiblio | | Yes | Yes | - |
Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.